Sabtu, 25 Mei 2013

permohonan maaf untuk semuanya, harus dibaca!!

hay semua.. gw ga pinter basa basi jadi langsung aja ya? ga kerasa kan men kita LULUS SMA? iya lah baru kemaren lulus smp dan gw merengek nangis2 karna ga keterima di sekolah yg gw pengen gara2 beda koma gitu deh -______- ya udah lah kalo bahas itu jujur gw masih ga ngerti sama pihak sekolahnya :D dan akhirnya gw terimain kan ya masuk sekolah yg jauuuuh gitu dari rumah gw, udah gitu banyak bis dan mobil2 gede lainnya, serem kan men? sampe akhirnya gw MOS di sekolah yg sumpah ga pernah ada di bayangan gw sama sekali, udh gitu kaka kelas so soan killer padahal muka nya so cute gt.. subuh2 lari kenceeeeeeng bgt buat nyampe ke gerbang, ya mau gmn lagi sekolah gw itu masuk gang men. telat! yap langganan mungkin abis jauh si sekolahannya salah sendiri :p pagi2 sarapan nya ya bacot2 senior ituuuu. beberapa bulan kemudian pas KBM udan berjalan normal tiba2 mental gw tempe bgt! gw pngn pindah sampe2 sakit 21 hari hhahaha tp lama2 gw mikir jauh, knp duit nya ga dipake buat tar kuliah aja si ya? nahhhhhhhh dari situ gw dewasa dikit lah haha kelas 10 nya jujur gw songong abissss sering jadi bulan bulanan nya anak kelas 11, gw cuekin kan ya bodo amat walaupun gw cuma ber 2 sama ulil temen dari TK. sbnr nya pada saat itu temen gw banyak, tp karna songong nya gw jd gw ga suka berbaur gt, paling sama temen sebangku gw doang namanya dentha, dia temen yg baik dan sangat polosssss :D nih dia org nya .. ga kerasa udh kelas 11 lagi, tp gw sedih karna solmet gw ulil pindah sekolah men, sedihhhhhhh nih dia orang nya.. huh udah kelas 11 aja nih gw ketemu temen2 baru dan ternyata mereka asik bgt haha ayg bgt gw sama mereka.. kebersamaan kita kuat bgt erik, regi, kiki, jambia, nanda, reva, jelin. kita selalu dihukum bareng karna ga suka masuk pas pelajaran berlangsung hahaha nakal dikit.. hampir tiap ada acara kita selalu ber 4, contohnya waktu ke ultah temen .. kita deket bgt lah pokoknya ka kerasa nih udah kelas 3 aja nih gw, udah sibuk aja. tiap hari pulang sore dan nyampe rumah gw langsung les privat gt deh , demi apa? demi tuhaaaaaaan! engga deng< demi UN lahhhhhh sedih nya gw dipisahin sama temen2 gw itu, dikelas gw ga ada temen men tp lama lama banyak bgt orang baik deketin gw, baron, intan, wiwi, novianti, boin, yuda, dan temen sebangku gw lah vica namanya, jujur pas kelas 3 ko gw makin jauh dari kata feminim ya? hahaha semuanya aut autan ga kerasa udah UN aja lg ya kan men, disini lah puncak nya gw selama ini mati2an.. gw mikir tar gmn ya? gw bakal pisah sama semua org yg gw sayang bener kan gw bilang? semuanya ga kerasa tau ga? acara perpisahan udah dimulai dan.. :( tumpah semua yg gw alamin selama gw sekolah SMA, ditambah lagi si ajay muter vidio angkatan gw dan semuanya ada disitu meeeeen dari kita semua MOS sampe UN kemaren, gila gila gila bgt emg huaaaaaaa gw pen teriak, semuanya terasa cepet bgt

Kamis, 02 Mei 2013

Apapun ini

why at the time I would write in my blog, I suddenly forget what memories will I write? hehe mmm .. you know long distance relationships? ya .. we are dealing with someone who is different and far away from our place, how do you respond? there is nothing wrong about it, not my fault, not his fault, then? when we blame 'circumstances' what he knows? a situation not intentionally it separates us? This is destiny .. This is not difficult to deal with all the cold hearts, except that his living children from 10 years old .. adults? yaa .. should, if indeed we mean it .. heavy indeed but the injustice that's what makes us survive. so, basically connected remotely as heavy nor as we imagine, depending on how we react to it. trust may be one alternative, as a complement to perhaps encourage the positive things he would do, the important thing is not to decide the communication .. for you guys who underwent tauh distance relationship do not worry, because you're not alone :) spirit!!

Rabu, 01 Mei 2013

bla bla bla..

a very old friend who is in my life, like a man suddenly hungry, he ate what I should eat. What rights is he? but I'm reluctant to say anything to her, just in silence I think the "hands above better than the hand below, I am not a greedy person, and take all because you're so pathetic"

jeni's wedding (my sister)



i'm so envy hihi..


In the 1970s the comic strip artist Jim Davis authored a strip, Gnorm Gnat, which met with little success. One editor said that "his art was good, his gags were great," but "nobody can identify with bugs." Davis took his advice and created a new strip with a cat as its main character.[4] The strip originally consisted of four main characters. Garfield, the titular character, was based on the cats Davis was around growing up; he took his name and personality from Davis's grandfather James A. Garfield Davis,[5] who was, in Davis's words, "a large cantankerous man". Jon Arbuckle came from a coffee commercial from the 1950s, and Odie was based on a car dealership commercial written by Jim Davis, which featured Odie the Village Idiot. Early on in the strip Odie's owner was a man named Lyman. He was written in to give Jon someone to talk with. Davis later realized that Garfield and Jon could "communicate nonverbally". The strip originally centered on Jon, being rejected by the King Features, Post-Hall and the Chicago Tribune-New York News agencies, all which asked Davis to focus on the cat, who in their opinion, got the better lines. United Feature Syndicate accepted the retooled strip in 1978 and debuted it in 41 newspapers on June 19[6] of that year (however after a test run, the Chicago Sun-Times dropped it, only to reinstate it after readers' complaints).[1][7] Garfield's first Sunday page ran on June 25, 1978,[8] being featured as a third-pager until March 22, 1981.[9] A half page debuted the following Sunday (March 29),[10] with the strips for March 14[11] and 21, 1982,[12] having a unique nine-panel format, but UFS curtailed further use of it (but it allowed Davis to use the format for his U.S. Acres strip).
The strip's subject matter in the early months varied from the pattern it later settled into. Some could be seen today as politically incorrect, such as strips involving Jon's pipe smoking[13][14][15] or his subscription to a bachelor magazine.[16] Another point which has distanced these strips was the U.S./Canada-centric humor, with a few jokes being totally untranslatable to some languages,[17] however by 1980, the strip became the universal family fare product for which it is now known.
The appearance of the characters gradually changed over time.[18] The left panel is taken from a 1980 strip; the right is from a 1990 strip.
More notably, the strip underwent stylistic changes with 1978–83 strips being more realistic, while comics from 1984 onwards have been more cartoony. This change has essentially affected Garfield's design; who underwent a "Darwinian evolution" in which he began walking on his hind legs, "slimmed down", and "stopped looking [...] through squinty little eyes". His evolution, according to Davis, was to make it easier to "push Odie off the table" or "reach for a piece of pie". Jon also underwent major changes, and still currently is. Now, he looks older than 1990 strips; he is taller and he has larger features.
Garfield quickly became a commercial success. In 1981, less than three years after its release, the strip appeared in 850 newspapers and accumulated over $15 million in merchandise. To manage the merchandise, Davis founded Paws, Inc.[19] By 2002, Garfield became the world's most syndicated strip, appearing in 2,570 newspapers with 263 million readers worldwide;[1] by 2004, Garfield appeared in nearly 2,600 newspapers and sold from $750 million to $1 billion worth of merchandise in 111 countries.[20] In 1994, Davis's company, Paws, Inc., purchased all rights to the strips from 1978 to 1993 from United Feature. The strip is currently distributed by Universal Press Syndicate, while rights for the strip remain with Paws.
While retaining creative control and being the only signer, Davis now only writes and usually does the rough sketches. Since the late 1990s most of the work has been done by long-time assistants Brett Koth and Gary Barker. Inking and coloring work is done by other artists while Davis spends most of the time supervising production and merchandising of his characters.[20]


Ujian tulis SBMPTN seperti apa? Ujian terdiri dari: Tes Potensi akademik (TPA) , Tes Kemampuan Dasar Umum (TKDU), Tes Kmampuan Dasar Sains Teknologi (TKD Saintek) & Tes Kmampuan Dasar Sosial Humaniora (TKD Soshum).
Sebelum melakukan pendaftaran SBMPTN, tentukan pilihan dahulu. Sehingga ketika melakukan pembayaran di Bank Mandiri kamu tahu termasuk kelompok ujian yang mana.
Lalu siapkan foto terbaru yang rapi & baik untuk diupload pada pendaftaran online SBMPTN.

Terdapat perbedaan istilah pada SBMPTN 2013, yaitu: istilah kelompok ujian IPA berubah menjadi kelompok Ujian SAINTEK.
Lalu untuk kelompok ujian IPS berubah nama menjadi Kelompok Ujian SOSHUM dan untuk kelompok ujian IPC menjadi Kelompok Ujian CAMPURAN.

Berapa Biaya Pendaftaran SBMPTN? Biaya Seleksi Kelompok Ujian Saintek/Soshum Rp 175.000,00 dan Kelompok Ujian Campuran Rp 200.000,00. Biaya seleksi untuk ujian keterampilan sebesar Rp 150.000,00 per jenis ujian keterampilan.
Berapa banyaknya pilihan SBMPTN? Dari biaya seleksi yang kamu bayarkan, kamu dapat memilih 3 pilihan program studi.

Bayar awal (untuk pembayaran melalui teller) atau menu 10000 (untuk pembayaran yang dilakukan melalui Internet Banking atau ATM): untuk calon peserta yang tidak mempunyai KAP (karena tidak daftar SNMPTN 2013).
Bayar Tambah (untuk pembayaran melalui teller) atau menu 10001 (untuk pembayaran yang dilakukan melalui Internet Banking atau ATM): untuk calon peserta yang mempunyai KAP (karena sudah daftar SNMPTN 2013).

Bagi peserta yang melakukan pembayaran Biaya Pendaftaran SBMPTN selain melalui teller, tetap akan menerima PIN & KAP pada bukti pembayaran. Pembayaran Biaya Pendaftaran SBMPTN hanya dapat dilakukan di Bank Mandiri via teller, ATM, SMS Banking, e-banking, dan Kantor Pos.

Tanggal-tanggal penting SBMPTN: 
1.Pendaftaran: 13 Mei pk 8.00 WIB - 7 Juni pk 22.00 WIB 
2.Ujian Tertulis: 18-19 Juni 
3.Ujian Keterampilan: 20-21 Juni 
4.Pengumuman: 12 Juli pukul 17.00 WIB 

info lengkap bisa dilihat pada laman
selamat berjuang & semoga berhasil :)